Travelling North

Earlier Publications

Elephants on Roller Skates

We have all learned to acknowledge the “elephant in the room”, the unspoken issue that is affecting our ability to move forward. However, after getting the issue into the open, time passes and we begin to stop paying close attention to the issue. It begins to slip away from us, while still affecting our views and our behaviour. The elephant in the room has become an elephant on roller skates…

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Peter Sheldrake - Elephants on Roller Skates Book

How Shall I Live

Socrates said, ‘an unexamined life is not worth living”, and this book is a ‘field guide to living an examined life’, a book to help readers think about the life they are living, and what you might want to do differently in the future. Offering tools to identify and examine what is important, it is a ‘questioner’s guide’, examining such subjects as loyalty, artistic creativity, wisdom and knowledge, managing your time, and determining how to live with others.

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Peter Sheldrake Travelling North Academic Politics Articles Books

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